firstly it's very hard to actually tickle yourself I know this from experience and talking to other people about it but I can't really shed any light on why!
-so you will have to find someone else willing to tickle you.
-this someone should be someone close to you because tickling random people is frowned upon.
once you've got your 'tickle buddy', sit on the sofa and watch a movie or something and just leap at them and tickle them, chances are they'll tickle back and hey presto you've done it!
(just as a rule of thumb though, it's not a very masculine thing to do with your mates so if you can help it find a girl to tickle with, unless you are a girl in which case you have the power to tickle anyone!)
what you need
die for method 2
blindfold for method 2
a clock for method 1
Method 1
1.ask your tickler to tickle you in an hour in a surprise attack
2.put on your bikini
3.get busy so the last thing you think about is the tickling
4.when the tickler tickles you itll be a surprise
Method 2
1.tell them where your most ticklish spots are on the arms, sides, stomach, legs and feet are heres mine for example ask them to tickle you in your ticklish spots in the following game
arms: armpits
sides: ribcage to armpit
stomach: lower than ribcage
legs: under the knee
feet: soles
2.put on your bikini tickling the blind and your the ticklee if you dont know how to play heres how
1.put on a blindfold
2.roll a die that shows where to tickle you 1=arms 2=sides 3=stomach 4=legs 5=feet 6=everywhere
3.the tickler doesnt tell you what you rolled he just tickles you
You can try multiple things, from soaking them in warm water to applying a moisturizing lotion them. Before that try simpling wearing shoes and socks all day and see how that works. It might also be the technique that you want to focus on. If fingers and fingernails aren't working, try a paint brush or a hair brush. The lotion-hairbrush combo is very effective
Baby oil + fingernails = hysteria + orgasms. Try it ;-)
extremely ticklish espeacially more ticklish on her feet and sides
More likely, yes.
it depends on how big the person is if your smaller you are more tickley if you bigger you dont feel a thing
I dnt think so bt he is ticklish under his chin, under his feet and under his arms
She is ticklish on her belly, sides, and really ticklish on her feet.
extremely ticklish espeacially more ticklish on her feet and sides
Indeed they are. It really varys on how grew up. The less contact you had. The less ticklish you are. More contact you have. The more ticklish you are
She is not known to be more ticklish than anyone else
YES! I AM A WOMAN AND THERE ARE MORE PLACES THAN JUST THEIR FEET! I AM TICKLISH EVERYWHEREE!!!!!!!!!!! But when you mean feet its the bottoms of the feet that are ticklish to me. YES! I AM A WOMAN AND THERE ARE MORE PLACES THAN JUST THEIR FEET! I AM TICKLISH EVERYWHEREE!!!!!!!!!!! But when you mean feet its the bottoms of the feet that are ticklish to me.
More likely, yes.
Not every girl is ticklish, as ticklishness varies from person to person. Some girls may be more sensitive to tickling than others, while some may not be ticklish at all. It depends on individual differences and preferences.
it depends on how big the person is if your smaller you are more tickley if you bigger you dont feel a thing
i think they are they are people like us. there ticklish where were ticklish so yes they are ticklish.
Yes, She is ticklish everywhere but she is most ticklish on her belly.
Being ticklish is actually all in your head. If you really try not to be ticklish and think that you aren't, you won't be ticklish.
I dnt think so bt he is ticklish under his chin, under his feet and under his arms
Solange is extremely ticklish. B is a little ticklish.