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To start you can look around and sing about what you see. You can also sing about what you are doing. Taking a walk around the block can help as well. Listen to other songs for the tunes or some words or sounds. Another method is to come up with a title first and then work on writing the song. It may very well come to you naturally after that.

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12y ago

Lyrics are the words of a song. Lyrics are alot like poetry. The majority of lines (or sentences) in a song have words that rhyme.

However, some songs don't rhyme as well. I began writing songs back in 1975, and to date, I have written over 460 songs. My problem is I have the lyrics, but I don't know anything about writing the musical notes for my songs. The tunes are all locked up in my head.

To write lyrics for a song, you need to write about anything and everything. The most important point is to write about things that interest you the most, or write on topics that you feel strong about.

Most of all, you have to take your time, and not get discouraged! For some singers and writers songs may take a day, a month, or maybe a year to complete. There are times I have written serveral songs in one day, but, it would be a while before I would be able to come up with just 1.


the best advice i can give to you is to base your songs on experiences you have personally gone through.
They will be more relatable, and what has more meaning than issues that every person has to overcome each and every day?
Learn how to use metaphors correctly, and expand your vocabulary as much as possible...
there are such things called "soft rhymes" as well.
just make sure your melody has rhythm, and you'll be absolutely fine.

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13y ago

You have to be inspired by someone and then think of something similar BUT dont copy him/her because you could be suxed

try to write about stuff you know

e.g. if you're in love with someone, you should write about him/her.

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13y ago

Think about what the song is about. If the song doesn't really have a meaning then just think of some words that are in the song and make that the title. Or you can even just call it (Your Name)'s Song. Anything will do but it has to have something to do with the artist of the song, or the meaning of the song, or just something random that has something to do with the song.

Hope I Helped!


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14y ago

Most songwriters come up with ideas from events that occurred in their life; like a breakup or love issues, a death of a friend, a birth of a new baby, and painful incidents.

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13y ago

Inspiration around you, stories about what you or someone else gone through.

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You get a tune and put words to it

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The Dictionary

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