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It costs 6200 gold u get it on the shop.

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Q: How do you get divine rapier?
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What is the best item in dota?

Divine Rapier. 6.2k, +250 damage.

Can you use rapier in a sentence?

He is rapier than her, all i got. :( He is rapier than her, all i got. He is rapier than her, all i got. means a small sword, His rapier is at the blacksmith's to be sharpened.

What does rapier mean in romeo and Juliet?

A rapier is a sword

How do you use rapier in sentence?

The knight swung his rapier at the dragon.

How do you use rapier in a sentence?

The knight swung his rapier at the dragon.

When was Lagonda Rapier created?

Lagonda Rapier was created in 1934.

What is a rapier as referred to in Romeo and Juliet?

A rapier is sword with a thin, rounded blade almost needle shaped. Only the point is sharp.

What is the best build for razor in dota?

1. boots of travel 2. linkens sphere 3. mjollnir 4. divine rapier 5. heart of tarrasque 6. butterfly

How can you use rapier in a sentence?

The gentleman poked someone with his rapier. It hurt.

What is James T. Rapier's birthday?

James T. Rapier was born on November 13, 1837.

When was James T. Rapier born?

James T. Rapier was born on November 13, 1837.

When did James T. Rapier die?

James T. Rapier died on 1883-05-31.