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Q: How do you get a boy to notice you at the beach?
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When was Beach Boy created?

Beach Boy was created in 1997.

What are the nouns in the sentence the boy wondered about the name of the beach?

The nouns are boy, name, and beach.

What can you do to get a boy to notice you?

Flash him.

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Brian Wilson is the bassist for the Beach Boys

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what is the adverb phrase in the following sentence ,The boy on the beach threw the stone into the sea.

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The best way to get a Mexican boy to notice you is to talk to him more often. There is no way to make someone like you.

How can I get a boy to love me?

umm you cant get no boy to love you, but you can get them to notice you. So get him to notice you, start being friends and maybe he will start likeing u

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you go to the notice board and click on whirewater beach trial champion.

Are beach boys songs sung in french?

No, Beach Boy songs are not sung in French.

How do you make a boy who doesn't notice you notice you?

I want to improve the question that says," How do you make a boy who dosn't notice you, notice you c ? ----you communicate with him..start off saying hi and become friends first..then you can ask him to hang digits..and other stuff that friends do

How can you get a boy to look and notice you?

Flash him... with a great smile ;)

Is krusty the clown a boy or a girl?

He is a boy for if you notice that his legs are bigger than a womans could be.