get strong weed
roll it tight
inhale a bunch of smoke then before exhaling inhale alot of air so the smoke goes deep in your lungs. then just wait about 15 seconds before exhaling.
when i lived in Amsterdam i got high with 5 other friends on one joint that was about .5 grams. we all got so baked.
it is a cream for ur legs so the hair come off about in 3 minutesBUT IT SMELLS REALLY REALLY REALLY BAD so i wont use becaus eof the smell soo yea :)
no grills really permanent.. you can always get them taken off.. but i believe it is
Chop his head off like Laurie did, make sure it really is him first.
yes he is he had sex with mayor Adam west off family guy
The word they needed to match was it as in "IT feels like the first time", but Beca sang it's as in "IT'S going down"
give you a little buzz not high though
yes. really high
I have never meet or seen a man turned off by high-heels. They really do turn us on (im a guy)
you see,nobody really knows.
it is a thingy majigger that people go off and fly really high
Sometimes in your dreams as i do but off a really high cliff or mountain
yea batteries is legal in Mexico it can really mess you up
My whole truck vibrates when accelerating and it stops when I let off the gas. It shakes really bad over 20 mph and continues as I speed up. It is in the repair shop now for a new U joint.
Did not really happen that way. Sony and Nintendo broken off a joint partnership with Nintendo that was going to use the Sony chip
To get a good kick on monkey kick off by you have to waiting until the ball goes really high, when the ball get really high on it's when it is about half way down kick it and that is how you get a good kick on monkey kick off. My best score on it is 5057 monkey meters :p
You cannot sever a joint mortgage. It must be paid off.You cannot sever a joint mortgage. It must be paid off.You cannot sever a joint mortgage. It must be paid off.You cannot sever a joint mortgage. It must be paid off.
you have to take the complete wishbone off to press out ball joint