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Q: How do you fix a WWE ring?
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How can you fix a WWE toy ring turnbuckle?

Its called super glue try it.....

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What is on top of the WWE ring?

A monitor

How do you make the ring collpase in WWE 12?

You can't in WWE 12, but you will be able to in WWE 13 when it comes out

If you get in the WWE what do you do next?

thrive then i could afford to fix my teeth if i had WWE money

What happened to kronik in WWE?

They left the wwe. The wwe was not happy with their in ring skills and wanted them to improve which they were not willing to do so. So, they left wwe

Was brock lesnar in the WWE?

Yes, Youtube him and Big Show breaking the WWE ring.

What is the measurements for a WWE ring?

1900 cm

In WWE history was there any sex on the ring?

No. Never. WWE is a professional wrestling promotion company, which promotes the fight/wrestling between people that happens on the ring. There have been cases where women fight in the ring. But, never Sex on the ring.

How many years has Finlay been wrestling in the WWE?

he was an in ring performer from 2001-2009 in wwe

What does the WWE give to there hall of famers?

WWE gives there Hall of Famers are a HOF ring and Blauge.