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Turn on 'Force Pull' in Extras, then use the Force on a Gonk Droid.

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Q: How do you find the last 30 studs in New Town in Lego Star Wars the complete saga?
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How do you beat the building blocks in Star Wars LEGO in LEGO city?

To beat Lego City, assemble the bricks on the far end of the town into the word 'Lego'. Then, destroy everything possible. Build everything possible. Use the Force or bounty hunter thermal detonators on everything possible. Ride all vehicles-when you jump into some, blue studs appear in a set path. Stay in the vehicle and collect the studs. If you exit a certain vehicle that gives you a 'stud path', then the studs will disappear. However, if you get back in, the studs that you didn't collect from it will reappear. Also, there is a point at which the street lamps go on. Destroy them when this happens. Also, kill every other minifigure except for the Gonk Droid, which is invincible without extras(which you can't use in Lego City). Kill the ducks in the water. They'll go in and out, so there will be times where you can't see or damage them. When you do all these, you receive studs that automatically go into the counter at the top. No chasing those bouncing studs required. When the counter reaches 1 million studs, the level is over. You do not keep these studs. However, depending on your time and if you completed it before or not, you receive studs. Most of the paragraph above applies to New Town, too.

Who is kelly star?

Kelly Star is a porn actress. She is about 30 years old and the mother of 3 children. She was born and raised in the town of La Puente, Ca. She has her own website

What movie and television projects has The Harmonicats been in?

The Harmonicats has: Played Themselves in "Toast of the Town" in 1948. Played Themselves - Musicans in "Texaco Star Theater" in 1948. Played (1950) in "Star Time" in 1950. Played Themselves in "Footlight Varieties" in 1951. Played Themselves in "The Blue Angel" in 1954.

Will Justin Bieber go to delbarton?

No, there were rumors of him looking at it, but he is a pop star he could never go there with the hours he works.

How do you get bounty hunter armor in mechquest?

if you are a star captain then you go to planet westion in the town of alamonia and do catch a thief quest.when you do your seventh duel with him and win you get the bounty hunter uniform. if not then i can only do so much

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How do you complete New Town on Lego Star Wars The Complete Saga i still have about 45000 studs to go?

There is no way .. I'Ve tried with that many studs left you cant

What do you receive for beating LEGO city in Lego Star Wars the complete saga?

The only thing you get is a gold brick. You do not receive the 1,000,000 studs. In other bonus levels, except LEGO City New Town, you get a gold brick and the studs.

Is there more than one level in Lego city in Lego Star Wars 2 the origanal trilogy?

no. BuT in lego star wars: the complete saga there is lego city and new town witch are besicly the same.

What is the third letter in new town in Lego star wars the complete saga on wii?

it is L then E then you use the force. it will say LEGO

What do the blocks spell in new town in lego star wars the complete saga?

They spell LEGO - but you have use the force, and switch them. Otherwise it just spells GOLE. :)*****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************

What do you do once you have spelled Lego in the New Town on Lego Star Wars The Complete Saga Do you destroy it?

I think you just leave it and find more "coins" elsewhere. you spell LEGO.

Where is LEGO town on LEGO Star Wars complete saga for Nintendo DS?

Sorry, but on DS there isn't a Lego city - and there is not only one on the Wii!its on x-box 360 too.

How do you get 100000 studs in Lego town Harry Potter years 5 7?

Doesany one know howto get free studs?

On Star Wars The Complete Saga What do the Lego letters in New Town Spell?

It spells GOLE, but use the Force to push the leters around to spell LEGO

Is there a green stud in Lego star wars the complete saga for wii if there is how do you get it?

Yes there is.And to get it go to new town and make the Lego sign, then become a bounty hunter and throw a bomb on the green letter and there you have it. A green stud!!!!

I've done everything possible to get 1000000 studs on Lego Star Wars the Complete Saga for Wii in New Town but I can't seem to get them all. Does it have something to do with the floating house?

The house does nothing, just something made up by nintendo, same for every console. The house that floats doesn't matter at all. Just keep searching

How do you do new town letters in Lego Star Wars?

it should spell LEGO eventually but it starts off as GOLE before you move the letters around.