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Can you remember at least portions of the lyrics of the song(s) you are looking for? Even if you can only remember a phrase or two, this may be enough. Try googling any phrases you can think of, and don't forget to at least try using quotes if you think you have an exact match. Also, you might try entering the year of the song along with the word 'lyrics'. This will pull up websites with lyrics that match what you have. Using this method has worked for me on more than one occasion where I was trying to find rather obscure songs.

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15y ago
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16y ago

It's easy, just write a part of the lyrics (works better if it's from the chorus) in Google and after it you write "Lyrics". If you can't find it, try using another part of the lyrics until you do. leos

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15y ago

To find a song you don't know the name of, do an internet search for one line of its lyrics, preferably its first line or a line from its chorus. Alternately, search for the artist name and check the discography.

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15y ago

try and remember some of the lyrics, then pose your question again, or try and remember the singer or the band. someone here may be able to help you.

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15y ago

Take a line frjom the song that you do know and run it through Wiki asking if anyone knows the titile. It has worked for me.

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15y ago

Go on google, type a line from the song in and at the end write lyrics. You will usually find the artist and song name.

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15y ago

try hum a few bars and see ....sometimes it works

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12y ago

U leson for the song in the car and ask someone like mom or dad and then ask rather one of them

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9y ago

Try searching for the singer - there might be a list of their songs on their website.

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4y ago

To find the name of classical songs or pieces of music, you can go to musipedia: the open music encyclopaedia. This has different options on how to search for the title of that piece: through clicking the main rhythm, to singing the main tune into your microphone. When the results appear, they are mostly classical. However, users can add new pieces to their catalogue so they have a couple of pop ones, but not that many.

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