Well,first knock the opponent down on the floor with a signature move,and then walk to his/her feet and when it says finisher (you need to have finisher to do that) do it,and you will enter in a submission move.
Beat him down a little bit then do it if that doesnt work then use the objects in the GM `office
STF stands for "Stepover Toehold Facelock"
John Cena Finisher's (2002-2008) FU (2009--) Attiude Adjustment (2002-2008 STFU 2009-2010) STF
Save talk fat
because with wwe's pg rating the names fu & stfu are not appropriate to use on tv and that's why they changed the names. the stfu was origanlly called the stf. couldn't he have chose a simpler name. if the stfu was named after the fu is it now the stf-attitude adjusment I know what you mean, I mean, i liked that stuff when I was younger, but come-on, the Attitude adjustment and STF are stupid names. The F-U and STFU were way better. That was a really stupid move. And if parents don't like what they say, then don't let your kid watch the show. Also, they are appropriate for what the show stands for. 2007 and earlier is when the WWE was what it orriginally stood for.
When John Cena's momentum level is full and your opponent is on the floor the triangle button (ps3) to do the stf.
press s+a
Beat him down a little bit then do it if that doesnt work then use the objects in the GM `office
John Cena beat the Miz by his submission manuver, the STF.
STF stands for "Stepover Toehold Facelock"
At WrestleMania 26, John Cena def. Batista via Submission ( STF )to become a 9x World Champion!
lts ov stf
put your knee against his leg
The acronym STF can stand for several different things. Those include: Special Task Force, Spinning Toe Face, Summary Tape File, and Software Test Facility. The Spinning Toe Face (STF) is a popular hold used in professional wrestling.
His submission used to be called stfu, which meant "shut the f*ck up", now it's an stf, which means "stepover toehold facelock"