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It try to hold it down and wait for options but if that dosent work go in to settings

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Q: How do you delete things from your favorite bar?
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How do you take things off your favorites bar?

Right click the item youm want to delete. Then go to delete. peace out folks!

How can you delete address bar in Google Chrome?

You cannot delete the address bar but hide it. You can make the browser full screen by pressing F11.

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Delete Favorites

How do you delete stuff off safari search bar?

Go to safari settings and then to Reset safari. All the search queries, history and cookies will me removed and safari will be set as default as it was before.

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to delete you history you go to your tool bar and select "Delete browsing history" then you hit "Delete history" or "delete all"!!!

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Speed Racer's favorite candy bar is a Japenese Candy Bar.

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You use the sell button in the tool bar, it turns to delete if its not something sellable.

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America's favorite candy are M&Ms. The next favorite are Reese's, Hershey's Bar, Snicker's Bar, Kit Kat, Twix, Twizzlers, Skittles, and Dove Bar, as well as 3 Musketeers.

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you cant log out from it you have to delete it or have it left

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You can't get back things that you delete, but you can go to pokestops and get new things.

How do you delete things on Littlebigplanet?

Triangle. you cant delete entrances.

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Tequila beer is not a popular drink choice at my favorite bar.