I'll answer this in a step by step:
You're welcome~
And don't worry too much... a lot of people struggle with this...
You can put a profile picture on your Vampire Freaks website by going to account settings. You can choose to upload a picture from your computer as your picture.
it is like when you think you've lost you're taking it out on the world
Tiffany haylock.. Find her on twitter @ _hell0tiffy
You could do..... Something like icarly
in the tv show freaks and geeks what high school team dose Lindsay compete on
You can put a profile picture on your Vampire Freaks website by going to account settings. You can choose to upload a picture from your computer as your picture.
have you tried vflayouts.com i get mine from there. but there are vampirefreaks profile generators out there if you want your own layout. good luck
vampire freaks, soemo, quizazz
TCM Underground - 2006 Freaks Mark of the Vampire 1-6 was released on: USA: 18 November 2006
http://www.facebook.com/meganfox?ref=profile No, her profile, if you type in Megan fox would be spelled meganf fox, she added the f on purpose so freaks looking for her on facebook can't find her.
Vampire freaks have many website which can be used to find information. You can buy memberships to websites which gives you access to premium content. You can also get information on urban dictionary where it gives you different definitions on the term.
A living nightmareThe Vampire's AssistantTunnels of BloodVampire MountainTrials of DeathThe Vampire PrinceHunters of the DuskAllies of the NightKillers of the DawnLake of Lost SoulsThe Shadow LordSons of DestinyNow there is a saga calledThe Birth of a KillerOcean of Blood
freaking simpley freaks and freaks and freaks. Freaky huh?
Freaks was created on 1932-02-20.
maybe the creeps with freaks