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after you complete the national dex go to snow point city and you will see a army of Galactic they will be tormenting a snorlax so you talk to Cyrus and he battles you again! he has level 80 Pokemon. after you beat him the all run away and so you talk to the snorlax and battle him. hope you catch him! :- )

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13y ago
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13y ago

You first need to get the pokeflute and play that in front of the snorlax(s). Once you have done that you can start battling him I did it with a lv28 Kadabra. BE careful if you don't have any potions though and also be ready for a long fight. if you have a great ball use that once the snorlax(s) health is about half-way or so (I did it when his hp was around 35% left) So there you have The best Pokemon of all in your party (or Pokemon storage) PS bring a full team of atleast lv25s to attempt the capture ok!

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13y ago

actually there are two snorlaxes in leafgreen/firered..... one in between route 11 and 12..... and another in celedon city in front of cycling road. when you interact them you can see they don't respond to you that's because they are asleep. wake them with the help poke-Flute which you get from mr. fuji in lavender town. both of the snorlaxes are at level 30..... i advice to use great balls or pokeballs on them.

i hope this helped.

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13y ago

In soul silver you have to turn the radio to exactly the middle to hear the poke flute. Go by the snorlax near diglett's cave and turn the poke flute on. Snorlax will wake up and battle you. Be ready, he's strong. Save before you catch him, because if he faints he'll go away. Any other way to catch snorlax I don't know. Happy catching!

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13y ago

You complete the browser by having all 209 Pokemon excluding the ones from the ranger net.

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13y ago

Snorlax can be a tough Pokemon to capture using ultra balls will make it easier.

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15y ago

Look first you need to get the poke flute then go to the snorlax blocking the road he will wake up then attack.

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13y ago

Snorlax can be found east of Vermillion by the Diglett cave. You will need a Pokemon Flute. It is level 50, so you will need some strong Pokemon to weaken it.

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12y ago

You'll need to wake up the Snorlax that will be blocking the way in Kanto. You'll need the Expansion Card and play the music required to wake up Snorlax.

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you can use pokemon selector or you can catch it legit you can get it in pokemon d/p/p Or Hg/Ss To Get It In D/p/p You Go To florma town or whatever its called and find a honey tree put lots of honey on it and if your lucky munchlax will appear now in hg/ss go to the place with a giant snorlax tune in your pokegear to the pokeflute channel then it will wake up and attack And theres your awnser