In general you can call such persons actors.
The motion picture 'One Missed Call' by director Eric Valette was released for theatrical release on January 4th 2008 for Canada and the United States.
The "movin' picture box".
Sammy Hagar almost always wore red leather outfits onstage, especially as a solo performer.
Photo bomb
The motion picture 'One Missed Call' by director Eric Valette was released for theatrical release on January 4th 2008 for Canada and the United States.
Some screenwriters call them 'orphans'.
King Kong?
The cast of Danmarks Indsamling 2008 - 2008 includes: Alex Ambrose as Himself - Performer Anders Blichfeldt as Himself - Performer Lars Brygmann as Himself - Call Center Lisbet Dahl as Herself - Call Center Anna David as Herself - Performer Tina Dickow as Herself - Performer Henrik Koefoed as Himself - Performer Simon Kvamm as Himself - Performer Marie Louise Wille as Herself - Call Center Niels Olsen as Himself - Performer Esben Pretzmann as Himself - Performer Asger Reher as Himself - Performer Manne Scheef as Familien Danmark, son Mads Steffensen as Himself - Host (Call Center) Anja Thordal as Herself - Host (Forum Horsens) Rune Tolsgaard as Himself - Performer Mette Walsted Vestergaard as Herself - Host
what do we call the energy motion
Someone who speaks dramatically could be referred to as melodramatic or theatrical.
A motion
There is typically an emcee who is the host and announces the performers on stage.
A Picture Framer
A picture on a wall could be a mural, a painting, a photograph. It depends on the picture.
A posed picture can be referred to as non-candid, or a portrait.