You have to win 10 "WWE Superstars" 1-on-1 match with any superstar.
go to 24/7 mode and hit x and it will ask if you want to play as superstar,caw,or gm.choose gm and that's all you have to do
At the Main Menu go to Create Mode and then Create a superstar then start creating.
You cant unlock him. he is no longer in the game.
Visit!but Don't believe the new cheats in cheatmasters The cheats are SLURPEE: John Cena's Civilian/Entrance Attire. John Cena's "CENATION" for your Avatar (XBOX 360) Apexpredator: Randy Orton's Suit, Referee and Shirt Attire. 8thannualtribute: Tribute to the Troops Arena. Historicbelts: Hardcore, Cruiserweight, Million Dollar etc.
cheats or wtwm's
you can unlock everything by looking through an unlocks guide or by some cheats or fan axess
Yes, You Unlock the Hardcore Championship in Career Mode, And you don't have to use a Certain WWE Superstar you can choose any WWE Superstar and Still Unlock the Title
Win five one on one (1-on-1) matches against any superstar on "WWE Superstar".
enter in cheats mrmcmahonnochance or beat a road 2 wrestlemania
You have to win 5 matches against any Superstar on SmackDown in WWE Universe.
There are no cheats for new hair styles on stardoll... The only way to get them is to unlock them (with starpoints) or become superstar and get the available superstar hair! (: -kiki7324
you can unlock him by completing the vs undertaker road to wrestlemania. you can do this with any of the superstars [kofi, truth, ziggler, morrison, created superstar]
on the stage do dusty roades,on the ramp do superstar 7,on ring in do Matt hardy,in the ring do superstar 11
Well you have to beat adventure and it will unlock good luck if you need cheats for svr just post I will be on the double
You have to win 10 "WWE Superstars" 1-on-1 match with any superstar.
You can't unlock any gms in svr 2011.