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the farmers pretected themselfes by going in a under ground house they just let their animals stay out if their small they could probly fit them in the under ground house

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Q: How do the boys of lord of the flies get violent in chapter 7?
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Who became the pig after the hunt In lord of the flies in chapter 8?

Simon becomes the "pig" during the hunt in Chapter 8 of "Lord of the Flies." The boys, caught up in their frenzy, mistake Simon for the beast and unknowingly contribute to his tragic death in their violent hysteria.

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In Chapter 13 of "Lord of the Flies," Simon is mistaken for the beast and is brutally killed by the other boys during a frenzied tribal dance. The boys, consumed by fear and chaos, descend further into savagery and darkness. This pivotal event marks a turning point in the novel as the boys' civilization completely collapses and they spiral into a state of anarchy and violence.

In Chapter 11 Lord of the Flies Answers?

In Chapter 11 of "Lord of the Flies," the boys hold a meeting to discuss the wild beast they fear on the island. They decide to search for it, which leads to a chaotic and violent hunt. The confrontation with the beast ultimately reveals the darkness within themselves as they lose their sense of civilization and morality.

What is the irony of the butterflies dancing in chapter 8 of Lord of the Flies?

The irony of the butterflies dancing in chapter 8 of Lord of the Flies is that while they symbolize beauty and innocence, they appear in the midst of the boys' violent and savage behavior on the island. Their presence contrasts sharply with the boys' descent into savagery, highlighting the loss of civilization and innocence.

Why do the boys dance and chant in chapter 9 in lord of the flies?

In Chapter 9 of "Lord of the Flies," the boys dance and chant as they reenact the killing of a pig. This ritualistic behavior symbolizes their descent into savagery and their deepening connection to the violent and primal instincts within themselves. It also serves as a way for them to maintain a sense of power and control on the island, reflecting the breakdown of civilized behavior and the rise of barbarism.

What is the mood for chapter 9 lotf?

The mood in Chapter 9 of "Lord of the Flies" is tense and foreboding. As the boys' behavior becomes more savage and violent, the sense of fear and uncertainty grows among the group. The storm that hits the island reflects the chaos and turmoil within the boys.

What is happening to the boys in chapter 4 of lord of the flies?

they splitting up by. Taylor Lautner

What is the target of the boys hunting in chapter 12 of lord of the flies?

The boys hunt for Ralph as an order of Jack.

Where are the boys in Lord of the Flies from?

The boys in Lord of the Flies are from England, to quote Jack, in chapter 2: Fire on the Mountain... "After all, we're not savages. We're English; and the English are best at everything."

In Chapter 9 in the lord of the flies what the boys do at the end the boys jump and?

In Chapter 9 of "Lord of the Flies," the boys are caught up in a frenzy during Simon's murder. They mistake him for the beast and viciously attack him, eventually leading to his death. The boys are swept up in the chaos and violence of the moment, illustrating their descent into savagery.

How many huts have the boys constructed by chapter 3 in lord of the flies?

They make three huts.

What do the boys do with the pig in chapter 8 of lord of the flies?

In chapter 8 of "Lord of the Flies," the boys hunt and kill a sow. They cut off its head and place it on a stick as an offering to the Beast. This act symbolizes the boys' descent into savagery and their increasing detachment from civilized society.