The male given name "Bobby" or Bob is often a nickname for Robert.
Bobby Adonis' real name is Bobby Threet.
Bobby Cinema's birth name is Bobby Chavala.
Bobby Rydell's birth name is Ridarelli, Robert.
Bobby Muzingo's birth name is Robert Wayne Muzingo.
Bobby Mallon's birth name is Robert Howard Mallon.
The correct spelling of the boys name is Gracin.
The most common spelling of the boys name is "Reegan."
The spelling of the name is Bobby Wasabi, the academy's owner played by Joel McCrary.
Bobby Zamora
Nicknames for the name Robert are Rob, Robbie, Bob, Bobbie, Bobby. A particular type of hair pin is a "bobby pin" or "bobbie pin".
The spelling for the name "Bobby" for a girl can vary, but common spellings include Bobbi and Bobbie.
spell check! but it is a boys name. also the name of the lobster in Ariel
Their are many Islamic boys names: Ali Abdullah Afreen Ahmed Umar Zain Bilal
Polish version of the name Bob is "Robert".
the name korey can be for both boys and girls actually, it really depends on how you spell it usually for boys its cory and for girls its korey or corey or corie Morgan<3
If you spell it Peter then it is. I have never heard of the name Peta. It looks feminine