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People know what the next episode is because they look at TV listings whether it's on Disney's site or any other TV places such as tvguide for example.

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Q: How do people know what the next episode of Hannah Montana is?
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What was the first Hannah Montana ever made?

The first episode of Hannah Montana is Lilly, Do You Want to Know a Secret? where she tells Lilly that she is Hannah Montana.

What is the song Hannah is rehearsing in the episode Promma Mia on Hannah Montana?

"I Wanna Know You" (with David Archuleta)

What was the name of the Hannah Montana episode when she saw Jesse McCartney?

The episode where Miley tells Jake Ryan she is Hannah Montana is in a two part series season 2 episodes 9 and 10 and the episode is called Achy Jakey Heart

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What was the first episode of Hannah montanna?

The first episode of Hannah Montana was when Lilly gets tickets to a Hannah Montana concert but Miley cant go with Lilly because Miley is Hannah Montana. So Lilly and Oliver sneak into Hannah's dressing room through a window. And Miley has to tell Lilly the truth about her double life. But doesn't tell Oliver.

Is Hannah Montana a boy or girl?

she a chick i will belive but we never know these days people know swap to onther part

What episode in Hannah Montana that Nicole Anderson acts?

Achy Jaky Heart part 1 I don't know the episode number.

What was the name of the song that Sheryl Crow sang with Hannah Montana on the Hannah Montana forever episode called It's the end of Jake as we know it?

It's called Need a little love

In Hannah Montana does all Miley's friend's and family know her secret that she's Hannah Montana?

All of her family know but only some other people know...

What happened at the end of Hannah Montana Forever finial episode?

i don't know! it hasn't come out yet!

How do you watch full Hannah Montana episodes on you tube?

You can watch every episode of Hannah Montana on you tube. However you must know the specific name of the epiode that you would like to see. If you don't know the name I suggest going to THey have a list of every episode and season.

What is the episode called after Hannah Montana forever - episode 5 - it's the end of the Jake as we know it?

It is called "Been Here All Along"