They are called Fell Beasts and they are most definitely not dragons. Dragons do exist in Tolkien's universe and are in no way related to Fell Beasts.
The name of the dragon was Smaug. He was a winged fire drake, and he drove Thrain and Thror from the Lonely Mountain. In Appendix A of The Lord of the Rings he is given the title of Smaug the Golden in the story of how he took over the area around the Lonely Mountain.
who sing shawty want to ride to ride in my ride. then it say's something else then when it finish it say's Are you with it. i think it goes Shawty want to ride in my ride something love are you with it.
Bachman-Turner Overdrive, however it was in 1974
Hayrack ride.
A stable ride
Yes horses and wargs. Press x or R1 next to them if on PS3.
Yes, Glorfindel takes Frodo on his horse to Rivendell. Legolas uses one of the horses of the Rohirrim.
Their horse, Arod, is white (grey).
yes she does ride horses
When he was riding Shadowfax yes. He mentioned that Shadowfax would not allow it, and that is was his job to keep the rider on.
yes Miley Cyrus does ride horses
if you mean do girls ride horses the answer is "yes!" A lot of girls ride horses i ride all the time!
You don't have to ride horses with a saddle, but there are some advantages to the use of saddles.
Girls Ride Horses Too was created in 1987.
Yes people do ride horses for their country in some competitions.
One, because there is only one more seat in the sleigh!
No. Horses were introduced by the Spanish.