It was an average night in St. Francisburg...distant sounds of trains splitting the air, planes overhead could give one chills in seconds. A sharp scream rang out through the night, like a bullet aimed for bringing down heaven.
Murder on the Zinderneuf happened in 1983.
Wanted for Murder was created in 1931.
The duration of Murder by Television is 3300.0 seconds.
The duration of Murder Princess is 1800.0 seconds.
The duration of Murder in Harlem is 1.7 hours.
The assassination (political murder) of Archduke Franz Ferdinand lead to the start of WW I.
15 to life
Season Two will start on September 24th 2015.
Authors are not going to give out free ideas like that - if they think of a good murder idea they're going to write their own book!You'll have to start thinking of your own murder scenarios if you want to write murder mysteries.
You start every story the same way -- in the middle of the action. Here is a good link to help you out.
The Holocaust was not a conflict. It was nass murder. Please see the related question.
massacre, Murder, Miraculous, morphine, monster i hope that helps!
when we do wrong things like keeping bombs ,murder ,smuggling or raping the crime starts
His murder & trial were the start of the Civil Rights Movement
Hercule Poirot boards the train in Istanbul at the start of "Murder on the Orient Express".
Four Kicks By Kings Of Leon
Untitled Murder Project 2-0 - 2013 Weeks Ago 2 A Fresh Start 1-21 was released on: USA: 10 October 2013