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It is a well known folk tale that the Crooked Spire became crooked for many reasons, but the following story is one of the most famous. One day, a Devil went to a Blacksmiths to get its hoof fixed, when the Blacksmith put a hot metal pole on the hoof. The pain was so bad, that the Devil shot up into the air screaming. His tail got caught on the roof of the Spire and that is how it became crooked.

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13y ago

Legend tells of a powerful magician who persuaded a Bolsover blacksmith to shoe the Devil. The blacksmith, however drove a nail into the Devil's foot. Howling with rage, the Devil took flight towards Chesterfield. Skimming over the Church, he lashed out in agony, caught the spire and twisted it out of shape. Then again, was it lightning? Or did Lucifer sit on the Church and spitefully let his massive weight crush its elegant spire? Local people of course have their own explanation. Rumour had it that a virgin was getting married at the church,and the spire, never having seen a virgin bride before, leaned over to have a closer look. Should the event ever happen again, the spire will think it commonplace and straighten up.

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Synonym or antonym crooked - winding?

Synonym: twisted, bent. Antonym: straight, direct.

How do you say crooked in french?

There are various words for crooked, depending on precisely what you mean. Broken or snapped is brisé; warped or twisted is tordu; and a crooked man (someon with a stoop) is courbé. Remember that if you are talking about a female these will become brisée, tordue, courbée.

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depends on what sense you use it in: dishonest, corrupt, criminal (if used in the sense of a person being "crooked" but also: bent, warped, twisted (if used to describe a thing that isn't straight)

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