Jackass was really startedby Jeff Tremaine and Jhonny Knoxville. They met at Big Brother magizine.
contacting jackass crew
nope theres a jackass 3.5
party jackass boy.
yes, but its not called jackass 3. its called jackass 2.5
Well actually , after dropping out of h.s at 17 ..him and his friends at the age of 19 started making a skate/stunt video called cky: land speed soon around that time he became a pro skater .... but that was more of a reach of becoming so called "famous" because it was jackass that made him well known and started his big Tim careear. when the jackass crew came along west chester they met bam and he showed them his videos and later Jeff tremaine recruited him to the crew and soon later jackass made the air on MTV......bam didnt preform the loop till years after even after the first jackass movie now loook att him lol well...he actually became pro @ the age of 14 and the CKY videos gained the attention of the jackass crew....after jackass was over, he made "viva la bam" and "bam's unholy union" he is also hosting a weekly radio show on sirius radio and has a production company where he's working on alot of videos...
contacting jackass crew
Not all of the crew is in Jackass the Game, Just Bam Margera ain't in the game.
More than you
yeh he is.he's like the hottest guy in the jackass crew.
Le Meridien Villon Hotel Vilnius
Which crew? Are you referring to any of the 'Famous People' On Club Penguin
martin tiki
Amber's Show - 2013 Meet the Crew - 1.2 was released on: USA: 27 January 2013
That is stupid. Not even Johnny Knoxville would have the crew of Jackass do it. It could blow off some fingers, or even the whole hand.
nope theres a jackass 3.5
Jackass = Esel