She got famous after winning in a competition entitled "Star for a night" on 2003.
Elizabeth Short was the actress who was killed in the famous Black Dahlia case in the 1940s.
Savannah Outen got famous by putting videos of her singing on youtube. And after the Fifth or sixth video she got alot of veiws. Then one day one of her fans told her to send a video to some director. Then she did her first music video goodbyes, and got onto radio Disney in Portland, OR
he does in the tv programme "nearly famous" but im not sure about real life
Chu Mei Feng is most famous for having an extra matiral affairs, when he was married to his wife. He was voted into the top 20 of that account and got reveiwed on it.
pumpchkin's uncle on moviestarplanet is msp05217a
pumpchkin lives in Flordia State. She lives in Adeen dr. 2371
dont no
Pumpchkin is a popular user on the children's website movie star
yes it is fun joseph nash
Pumpchkin is an online username used by a player in the game "MovieStarPlanet," so her real age is not publicly known.
If you really want to then yes, you can
I don't exactly know but try evreything you can