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The reader is probably intended to feel close to Jack, the setting, in a pig run, is claustrophobic and the details of Jack's peeling skin and the smell of fresh droppings gives the impression of involvement. The intention is perhaps to convey some of the obsessive persistence and desire that hold Jack on the trail of the pigs even after the other hunters have given up and returned to the beach. There is also the impression of isolation and of vulnerability to attack from anything malignant which might be in the jungle, watching and quietly stalking its intended prey.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

The only deduction we can make as to Jack's feelings about hunting on the island can only come from the text itself, as the answer to this question is never outwardly stated. Throughout the book, Jack seems to become more and more preoccupied with hunting,eventually becoming obsessed and possessing an animalistic urge to hunt and kill as can be judged from the book."his nose only a few inches from the humid became a furtive thing, ape-like."

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