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Edward was dieing of a illness called Spanish influenza. His mother died from it but before his mother died he asked carisle to do what ever it takes to keep Edward alive. So when no one was in the room, Carisle the doctor (actually a vampire) told Edward if he would like to become a vampire i think and then carisle bit Edwardo in the neck and it turned him into a vampire. HOPE I HELPED!

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14y ago

The following are the accounts of how each member of the Cullen family became a vampire:

Carlisle: Carlise's dad was a vicar or a priest and believed vampires existed so he and some other people hunted them. One day while he and Carlisle were out, he went looking in the sewage and got bitten but for some reason the vampires ran away and then he was transformed.

Edward: Edward was dying from Spanish Influenza when Carlisle found him and his mum in a hospital he was working at. Edward's mum, on her deathbed, asked Carlise to do everything in his power to help Edward. So Carlisle took him from the hospital and turned him.

Esme: Esme had a miscarriage and had fallen into a state of deep depression and attempted suicide by jumping off a cliff. When a person found her they assumed that she was dead and sent her to a morgue. This is where Carlisle found her and could tell that her heart was still beating so he turned her. It could also be assumed that he had fallen in love with her from the moment he saw her, therefore strengthing his decision to turn her.

Rosalie: Rosalie was engaged to a wealthy young bachelor who one night while she was returning home from a friends house, met up with him and his friends who were all drunk. He basically attempted to parade her around to his friends but she refused and he became violent. She was left for dead on the street until Carlisle found her from her blood and decided to turn her. He initially thought that she would make a good mate for Edward, but Edward has never been interested in her.

Emmet: Rosalie found Emmet in the woods while she out was hunting (feeding). He had been attacked by a bear. He reminded her of her friends baby so she took him home to Carlisle and requested that he turn him for her.

Jasper: Jasper was in the army before he was turned. He was confronted by three female vampires who turned him so he would be a member of their newborn army. He was kept alive after a year due to his vampire ability and eventually escaped.

Alice: Alice was put into a mental institution because she could see the future before she became a vampire and in the mental home she met a vampire and like Bella and Edward they fell in love. It is revealed in Twilight that James was the person she fell in love with and Alice was the only person that ever escaped him. Alice however does not remember anything from her human life.

Renesmee: Renesmee is Bella and Edwards biological child. She was born a vampire/human hybrid.

Bella: Bella was turned shortly after giving birth to Renesmee. She was injected in the heart with a syringe of Edwards vemon, and bitten on her neck, arms and legs. At this point her heart had stopped beating, so Jacob and Edward manually beat her heart until the vemon took over and her transformation began. The transformation took a total of three days to complete

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12y ago

Edward was dying of Spanish Influenza and so was his mother Elizabeth, and she begged Carlisle Cullen to do anything he could to save him, so he turned him into a vampire.

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15y ago

Rosalie found him almost dead after being attacked by a bear, so she carried him back to Carlisle, and he turned him.

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