this is kyron bailey a.k.a the bottom- line man! my nefew chingy aint dead you know what yall sick yall need to grow up. really
As of 2014 it is estimated that Chingy has a net worth of close to 10 million dollars. Chingy is a musician as well as an actor.
Don't Worry - Chingy song - was created on 2005-01-11.
Yes, according to interviews and public pictures, Chingy is in fact bisexual. He has had photos taken of him while he was kissing another man.
12 million
Chingy is currntly dating a female name Selena, who is best know for guest starring on th Jerry Springer show, where she revealed to her then boyfriend that she was actually born a man.
As of my last information, Chingy's weight is not publicly known.
Chingy was born on March 9, 1980.
Yes Chingy has two kids, one of them is named Mykael.
Chingy's birth name is Howard Bailey Jr..
Chingy has not publicly disclosed the identities of his children's mothers.
As of 2014 it is estimated that Chingy has a net worth of close to 10 million dollars. Chingy is a musician as well as an actor.
The lyrics of the song Chingy Jackpot by Chingy can be found on the metrolyrics website, the azlyrics website, the sing365 website and the rapgenius website. Alternatively the youtube website will have karaoke videos where the lyrics scroll by on the screen.
The rapper Chingy doesn't claim any gang.
He is single!
Don't Worry - Chingy song - was created on 2005-01-11.