He has torn his soul over and over again by killing people and creating his Horcruxes. He has also sustained substantial wounds from the killing curse that rebounded onto him the night he killed Harry's family.
well, first off he made the horcruxes and killed a bunch of people with the help of death eaters, calling him self by the psudonym "voldemort". But he became the bald, noseless villain we all know and hate 2day by using the little strength in his horcruxes, Wormtail, and dark magic to make himself a body he could control and kill in.
Yes he did. He had been in possession of the invisibility cloak since his first year and it was rightfully his as the original owner of the cloak was his ancestor. He was the true master of the elder wand because Draco Malfoy disarmed Dumbledore therefore making it his, but Harry without knowing defeated Malfoy and became the master and he found the resurrection stone inside the very first golden snitch he caught which Dumbledore had left him.
The Ugly Duchess was created in 1513.
ugly art is this thing that this guy made up that he thinks are ugly and have no artistic taste. Most of it is modern art
She's not ugly, she's very pretty.
The 'ugly' thing was the piece of Lord Voldemort's soul that was inside Harry Potter.
When Voldemort was younger he grieved over the past that he didn't know about. He was put into an orphanage because his father, forced to love a woman he found ugly and not good enough for him, didn't want anything to do with his son; while Tom's mother died while giving birth to him. While in the orphanage he didn't live a happy life, he would get in trouble for his 'anger management issues', because the other kids picked on him so much they would face the unwanted consequences, that Tom possessed, being an under age wizard. Tom Marvolo Riddle (Lord Voldemort) was someone who kept to himself, but had a big amount of selfishness, and self consciousness; causing him to turn into a bad person.
well....... she didn't become ugly, she already was, is and forvever will be R.I.P Ece Tunc!
the ugly duck
because you are ugly
yes you figglehorns good lord have a nice ugly day.
he ugly
Charles Postell has written: 'Lord Don't Love Ugly'
Harry Potter does not die. Harry was being possessed by Voldemort. Voldemort tried to kill Harry, but instead Voldemort killed the part of Harry's soul that was being possesed by Voldemort. If you think about it Voldemort commited suicide.
By learning tht your nothing but ugly