Gollum was captured by Sauron's forces who then tortured him until he told them about The Shire and Baggins.
There was one ring ring created by Sauron. The ring was the Ring of Power. The ring Sauron created was to achieve his purpose.The ring of power was the great weakening of his power. He also lost this ring many ages ago.
Gollum took it from him and Frodo pushed him into Mt Doom
In the brief scenes with Sauron in the beginning of the Fellowship of the Ring, Sauron was played by Sala Baker. The Eye, of course, was computer-generated.
Frodo was 50 when he left the shire. Several years took place after he inherited the ring from Bilbo. Frodo was born on September 22, 2968. In 3001, when Bilbo turned 111 and Frodo came of age at 33. He inherited the ring. 17 years passed since the party. On April 12, 3018, Gandalf arrived and told Frodo that the magic ring Bilbo had found in Gollum's cave was in fact the One Ring of the Dark Lord Sauron, who needed the Ring's power to take over Middle-earth. Frodo was shocked and dismayed by this news, but he realized that in order to save the Shire he loved, he needed to take the Ring far away..
The ring has a consciousness of its own. The ring knew that Frodo was going to take it to be destroyed, whereas the one ring abandoned Gollum as it knew that Gollum would never return it to Sauron. The ring used Bilbo as a carrier or a vector.
The ring was made by Sauron, and when it was made, He put some of his power into it. Sauron was an Maia. Meaning he was one of first people on Arda, part of the Valar. The ring bears some of his life force, and whilst the ring is intact, sauron cannot be killed. The reason they have to travel to Mt. Doom to destroy the ring is because it was forged there and no other thing on arda can damage it Hope this helped
It is currently in the cracks of Mount Doom.
There was one ring ring created by Sauron. The ring was the Ring of Power. The ring Sauron created was to achieve his purpose.The ring of power was the great weakening of his power. He also lost this ring many ages ago.
Originally Sauron, the creator of the One ring, and main bad guy in the film. He is the giant eye. (He used to be human form) in the film, the people that wear the ring is mainly Frodo of the shire and for short while Sam Gamgee Smeagol!
The Wargs were sent by Saruman in an effort to find the Ring before Sauron. Both parties knew that the One Ring remained in existence and had been found by Baggins - a hobbit from the Shire. Saruman was a Wizard-turned-bad via his thirst for power and desire for the One Ring.
To rule them all.
Gollum took it from him and Frodo pushed him into Mt Doom
The Lord of the Ring is Sauron, there is no other Lord. But the first ring bearer that was not Sauron was Isildur. The first Lord of the Rings book and movie is 'The Fellowship of the Ring.'
In the brief scenes with Sauron in the beginning of the Fellowship of the Ring, Sauron was played by Sala Baker. The Eye, of course, was computer-generated.
In the fires of Mount Doom by Sauron
By destroying it.
Frodo was 50 when he left the shire. Several years took place after he inherited the ring from Bilbo. Frodo was born on September 22, 2968. In 3001, when Bilbo turned 111 and Frodo came of age at 33. He inherited the ring. 17 years passed since the party. On April 12, 3018, Gandalf arrived and told Frodo that the magic ring Bilbo had found in Gollum's cave was in fact the One Ring of the Dark Lord Sauron, who needed the Ring's power to take over Middle-earth. Frodo was shocked and dismayed by this news, but he realized that in order to save the Shire he loved, he needed to take the Ring far away..