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He boyfriend killed him?

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Q: How did Roger Troutmans son Roger Lynch die?
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Roger lynch son of roger troutman?

Yes Roger Lynch was the son of the late Roger Troutman.

Does Jane lynch have a son named Ross Lynch?

Jane Lynch does not have a son! Ross Lynch (Austin and Ally) is not her son. Yes the last name Lynch is common no relation of the two of them! Ross' mom's name is Stormie Lynch and Jane Lynch has no kids at all.

Is Ross Lynch the son of Jane Lynch?

Jane Lynch is a lesbian and has never had children.

Who is Chris Lynch?

He is Richard Lynch's son. He died a few years ago.

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Roger's grandfather's son could be roger's true or false?

False, it is Roger's father. Roger's grandfather is his father's father. Roger's fathers father's son is his father.

Could Roger's grandfather's son cold be Roger's daughter's grandfather?

yes because walters grandmothers daughter is walters mother, and if Walter has a son, then his mother is her grandmother, so its true

Roger's grandfathers son could be Roger's granddaughters grandfather?

This is true.

What has the author Patrick Kennedy Lynch Lynch written?

Patrick Kennedy Lynch Lynch has written: 'Guinness's brewery in the Irish economy, 1759-1876' -- subject(s): Guiness (Arthur) Son and Company Ltd

Does Roger Mcgough have a son?

No he has a daughter

Roger's grandfather's son could be Rogers daughters grandfather?

Well. yes.1. Roger's grandfather's son is Roger's father ( Grandfather - Father - Roger)2. Rogers daughter would have Roger's father as her grandfather ( Rogers father - Roger - Rogers daughter)

Is it true that Roger's grandfather's son could be Roger's daughter's grandfather?

I'm not sure who Roger is, but yes, the relationship is quite possible. Roger's grandfather's son could be Roger's father; His daughter's grandfather could also be his father, one and the same person. lol