He took it rather badly. He was outraged to hear of the death of his teacher.
The Kiss of Death episode you are referring to begins in Naruto Shippuden episode 60 and continues in episode 61. You can watch these episodes online at narutoget, the episodes are avaliable in both subbed and dubbed.Note: all Naruto and Naruto Shippuden episodes at this website are all free to watch for everyone.
Team Sand (Gaara, Temari, and Kankuro) was the first team to reach the tower in the Forest of Death during the Chunin exams in "Naruto".
I think you're mistaken for the OVA. If its for the last battle between Naruto and Sasuke then its the OVA. But if you're thinking of a movie then you might thinking of the first Naruto Shippuden movie with the prediction of Naruto dying.
There are Naruto fan clubs everywhere, take your pick.
The "Gate Of Death" is the 8th and final gate of the chakra gates and once you use it you will die.
neither, naruto starts fighting pain. pain is also jiraiyas student.
No. The turtle is a summoning animal, similar to orochimarus Manda and jiraiyas Gamabunta. As far as I know, the turtle has only appeared once or twice in the series, manga or anime.
Naruto would die. The Death Note kills the person and since clones are part of Naruto they would all die. But that would never happen. naruto would die in that situation though the death note user may too.....because after said name is written in the death note it takes a few minutes for it to take affect, sooo if naruto killed the death note user in that time limit they would both die
The asnwer is The Death of Naruto
Their is an episode intitled "The Death of Naruto" (episode 165 season 4 on hulu).
If you mean in the naruto shippuden movie at the begginning that was Shios vision of naruto's death.
No movie has Naruto's death. He is still alive
bout this girl naruto needs to protect.... in the trailers it shows naruto's death not gonna spoil it 4 you
Naruto cries in the rain in ep. 153 because of the death of Master Jiraiya.
yes maybe if they fight to the death.(if they do naruto will win!
did you take English? if by he you mean naruto then not yet