In the Gears of War Novel The Slab by Karren Travis One Of The Guards in the Jacinto Maximum Security Prison Bradley Campbell had attempted to kill Marcus by releasing the guard dogs on him,they were killed but Marcus had been mauled by one,which led to his scar
The scar is the dent that the plane made on the island when it crashed into the island.
Yes the Disney character Gregory Porter does have a scar.
Marcus Adam was born in 1968.
David Marcus was born in 1924.
It is a scar in the shape of a lightning bolt. The scar was caused when Lord Voldemort tried to kill him, when the curse failed it left that scar. The scar and the failed curse connect Harry to the Dark Lord.
Marcus Fenix is good
Marcus fenix
It's Marcus dad
no Adam fenix is Marcus fenix's father he actually has helped the COG in finding underground tunnel and also in plans to defeat the locusts
Marcus Fenix went to prison during an intense battle, Because he abandoned his post to go look for his farther witch was unsuccessful and then was tried for declaration of duty and sentenced to 40 years in Jacinto maximum security prison.
I believe it was because he disobeyed an order and returned to his estate to save his father.
The characters in Gears of War consist of: Delta Squad = Marcus Fenix (main playable character), Dominic Santiago (cooperative character), Agustus Cole, Damon Baird. Other main characters are the Carmine brothers (who die), Victor Hoffman, Anya Stroud, Dizzy Wallin, Jace Stratton, Richard Prescott, and Adam Fenix (which is Marcus Fenix' father).
round about i'd say about 7 Marcus fenix, dom, beard, cole, Anjou, carmine, and commander wolf.
Fenix TX ended in 2002.
Fenix TX was created in 1995.
Synton Fenix ended in 1989.
Eva Fenix is 5' 3".