Roi suffered 4 broken vertebrae, 8 broken ribs and a broken clavicle in the accident. He required surgery to repair the clavicle. He also required mechanical ventilation to decrease the effort required for breathing and ensure adequate breathing did occur. Unfortunately he still developed pneumonia.
After being released he was admitted again for pneumonia (?) and once again was placed in the intensive care unit.
After the second hospital visit he went to Los Angeles for physical rehabilitation.
There is speculation that he may have developed deep venous thrombosis (blood clotting in the veins in the lower legs) from decreased mobility for a couple of months. Subsequently this resulted in pulmonary embolism once increased activity from rehab began, and the clot was released from the legs, lodging in the pulmonary artery and blocking oxygen flow into the blood from the lungs.
Dobie Moore died in 1963.
Amzie Moore died in 1982.
Henry Eaton Moore died in 1841.
Alfred Moore Waddell died in 1912.
Peter Bullfrog Moore was born in 1932.
LeRoi Moore died on August 19, 2008 at the age of 46.
LeRoi Moore's birth name is LeRoi Holloway Moore.
LeRoi Moore is 5' 10".
LeRoi Moore went by Roi.
LeRoi Moore was born on September 7, 1961.
LeRoi Moore was born on September 7, 1961.
LeRoi Moore died on August 19, 2008 at the age of 46.
LeRoi Moore was born on September 7, 1961 and died on August 19, 2008. LeRoi Moore would have been 46 years old at the time of death or 53 years old today.
Holly Memorial Gardens in Charlottesville
Leroi Moore the saxophonist
Sidney LeRoi Clunis died in 1975.
André Leroi-Gourhan died on 1986-02-19.