Jeff Conaway was born on October 5, 1950 and died on May 27, 2011. Jeff Conaway would have been 60 years old at the time of death or 64 years old today.
Cristi Conaway is 5' 6".
Cristi Conaway was born on August 14, 1964, in Lubbock, Texas, USA.
Jeff Groscost died in 2006.
Jeff Milton was born on November 7, 1861.
Jeff Conaway's birth name is Jeffery Charles William Michael Conaway.
Jeff Conaway was born on October 5, 1950.
Jeff Conaway was born on October 5, 1950.
Jeff Conaway played Danny on stage and played Kenickie in the film
Jeff Conaway was born in New York, NY, USA on October 5, 1950.
Eric Conover is 6' 0 1/2".
do not think that it was ever quoted and I note that it is not shown in the Credits either
Jeff Conaway is in the film "Grease" as knikki
He was 28
Jeff conaway
In Grease he played the character ''Kenickie''.