because he had killed his manager who ripped him off also none as k1ng mas a record producer who has been tied with the murder of biggie small aka notoriouse aka christopher george lator wallace
Murder on the Zinderneuf happened in 1983.
Wanted for Murder was created in 1931.
The duration of Murder by Television is 3300.0 seconds.
Murder in Coweta County was created in 1983.
Murder in Coweta County - 1983 TV was released on: USA: 15 February 1983
Murder in Coweta County - 1983 TV is rated/received certificates of: Iceland:12 Norway:15
There is no remake of Murder in Coweta County. As producer of the film, I just put new dvd and instant video out this past year on Amazon.
The Herring Murder Mystery - 1944 was released on: USA: 20 January 1944 USA: 28 June 1954 (re-release)
Rebecca Jernigan has: Played Female prisoner in "Nightmare in Badham County" in 1976. Played Mrs. Thompson in "Ode to Billy Joe" in 1976. Played Irene in "Murder in Coweta County" in 1983. Played Emergency Nurse in "The Client" in 1994. Played Rose Wendtwood in "Glorious Mail" in 2005. Performed in "The Butterflies" in 2010. Played Melanie Moore in "Tube" in 2012.
Many mystery stories have more than one murder. You can have as many as you'd like. You can even have a "red herring" murder that is committed by someone not the main villain if you want!
The Edgar Wallace Mystery Theatre - 1960 Never Mention Murder 5-10 is rated/received certificates of: UK:U
marinette county in Wisconsin
Rangeley Wallace has written: 'No defense' -- subject(s): Fiction, Fathers and daughters, Race relations, Trials (Murder)