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In 1918, he was dying of the Spanish Influenza and Carlisle Cullen changed him into one then.

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15y ago
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15y ago

Well Esme was pregnant and she gav birth but her baby died and she was commiting suside by jumping off a cliff and carlise found her at the bottom of the cliff and changed her into a vampire.

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15y ago

She is not gifted like Edward, Alice, and Jasper..

But it is suggested (in Twilight, chapter 14) that her ability to love passionately was strengthened when she became a vampire.. ^_^

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When Esme become a vampire?

Esme become a vampire in 1921.

Besides edward who votes for Bella to become a vampire?

Edward does not vote for Bella to be a vampire he is against it and Alice Emmett Esme Jasper and Carlisle are for it

How did Esme turn into a vampire?

Esme turned into a vampire when she lost her first born and only real son she was so sad that she jumped off a cliff. Carlisle saw her dying and bit her and therefore become a vampire. This is told in Twilight, the 1st book of Stephenie Meyer's saga.

How does Esme become a vampire?

Esme becomes a vampire when she tries to kill herself by jumping off a cliff because she just lost her baby.the people say that she proboly wont make it so they send her right to the morgue.then carlisle finds her and turns her into a vampire because he loves her.

Why is Esme a vampire?

If you mean how did she become a vampire. It's because she jumped off of a cliff when her new born passed away. Carlise finds her and saves her for himself.

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What is Esme Cullen's age before she became a vampire?

Esme Cullen was 26 when she became a vampire. She was born in 1895 and was turned into a vampire by Dr Carlisle Cullen (her now husband) in 1921.

What is Esme's vampire powers?

she dose not have one

In what year did Esme turn into a vampire?


In what year is Esme turned into a vampire?


Who plays the character for the motherly vampire Esme?

Elizabeth Reaser plays Esme in the Twilight Saga.

Is Edward Cullen's mom a vampire?

His birth mother was NOT a vampire, the woman he refers to as his mother, Esme, IS a vampire.