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He took it from his two favourite characters in fiction. He loved Slimer from Ghostbusters but dropped the last two letters. The other character is Nightshade. Same thing with Slimer, he took off the Night part and replaced the e with a y to create shady. So now you have Slim Shady! Intelligent chap he is!

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14y ago
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13y ago

Eminem is in the Rap group D12 (Detroit 12), but there are only 6 members. So their plan was to each have an alter ego, making "12 Members". Eminem was on the toilet while he was trying to think of a good name. Slim Shady came to mind, and he though of all these things he could rhyme it with. So it stuck.

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12y ago

Because his name is Marshal Matters. Eminem, MM, Marshal Matters. Get it?

Using his first and second name:
Marshall Mathers
He created M&M
But later changed the spelling to:
Eminem or Slim Shady

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14y ago

When Eminem joined the rap group D12, one of them suggested they all make alter egos so the group would have '12' members. (There were 6 members.)

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12y ago

It was when he started rap battling, He was named M&M ( for marshall mathers) and that's when Eminem came.

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13y ago

Eminem Got his nickname by eating m&ms.

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What are Eminem's nickname?

Eminem's nickname is The Real Slim Shady, but he usually goes by Slim Shady.

Is emenem slim shady?

Yes, Eminem's nickname is slim shady.

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Is eninem slim shady?

eminem has said he is still slim shady, the relapse/refill album was not the last of shady, recovery was just suposed to be his serious album, eminem has although said shady will calm down a little bit.

What is Eminem's nickname?

Eminem is often called 'shady', which is not actually his nickname but a kind of alterego. He is also called 'em', short for eminem. Hope this answers your question. =D

Is Eminem Slim shady?

Yes Marshall mathers is Eminem/Slim Shady

When did slim shady become Eminem?

Slim Shady is an alter ego of Eminem, which was created in 1999.

What is eminem's alter ego name?

Eminem's real name is Marshall Bruce Mathers III and his other persona is Slim Shady. He was once asked what the difference between Eminem and Slim Shady was and He replied, "Eminem would F*** you, but Slim Shady would F*** you and your mother.

What does slim shady mean?

Slim Shady is the alter ego of the rapper, Eminem.

Is eminem slim shady brother?

No, Slim Shady is Eminems alter ago.

What is eminem like to slim shady?

eminem is different to slim shady because slim shady is the bad side of him and eminem is the next side of him cuz with eminem hes adout hip hop and rap no matter what but with slim its a next story cuz with slim hes the angry one and the crazy one

Is sodja boy richer than slim shady?

NO! Eminem (slim shady) is wealthier.