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Thanks to Thomas Armstrong Daniel Coleman influenced Howard Gardner by Introducing the theory of multiple intelligence to the general public.- AG

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When was Howard Gardner born?

Howard Gardner was born on July 11, 1943.

What is Howard Gardner's birthday?

Howard Gardner is 73 years old (birthdate: July 11, 1943).

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Howard Gardner's career trajectory as a developmental psychologist parallels that of his age

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Daniel Howard was born in 1984.

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As of my last update, Howard Gardner is still alive. He is an American psychologist known for his theory of multiple intelligences and has made significant contributions to the field of education.

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Howard is older. Howard was born in 1954 and Daniel was born in 1957

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J. Daniel Howard was born in 1943.

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Howard W. Gardner has written: 'Measurement of transference numbers of the bisulfate ion in aqueous sulfuric acid' -- subject(s): Chemistry

Who defined the 8 multiple intelligences?

Howard Gardner in 1983.

Which modern theorist's name is widely associated with the concept of multiple intelligences?

Howard Gardner <3MC