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crushed by a piano

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Q: How did Dan's friend Phil Sanders die on Night Court?
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I walk in to my friend

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You would say 'dans die aand weg'.

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This phrase in French translates to "you are the best friend in the world."

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IT's the worst friend in the world

How do you say your my best friend in the whole wide world in french?

Votre mon meilleur ami dans le monde entier

What is in your bag there is in French?

dans votre sac il y a.... (this is the version if speaking to an adult or someone you don't know, i.e. the polite version) dans ton sac il y a... (the version if your speaking to a friend or family member etc.)

What does dans meen in french?

Dans = in

How do you say to get in french?

Entrer dans.../ rentrer dans.../ monter dans.../ se mettre dans.../ Actually it depends on the context, these are the main meanings ;-)

Translation le dans?

le = the dans = in

What does Dans french mean in English?

'dans' eans 'in'