he is killed by frieza's death ball.
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Matt Bardock is 5' 7".
Bardock Is not in DBZ, He Is in a Movie Featuring him, but it is before Dragon Ball. But In DBZ Raging Blast, A What if Saga Mission is That Bardock Faces Gohan & Goten. But Before That He Is Not. But If You ask me, I think Bardock would have gone SSJ When he saw his Fallen Comrades
no master roshi made it
I thiink that Fasha is Goku's mother because she knew exactly when he was born and closet sayian girl to bardock.
If Bardock lived he could no can advance his son by far and as showed Bardock spared Gokus life but if they both trained together they could of beat the hardest warrior like Broly,super buu, Frieza,Baby,Super 17 and even Omega Shenron at his strongest but logicly bardock would winbardock may have been able to bet goku on the begin of dbz cause he was almost strong enough to bet dobrea and he was at 21,000 so he might have been as strong as vegeta was on earth but goku regenerated and on namek would own bardock no dothbardock at the beginning of the dbz series most likely would be able to beat goku heres the reason why >he did almost kill dadoria on the special episode labeled: the plan to kill the sayians) which shows about how strong bardock was (way stronger than lets say raditz) but when we dig deeper into the series like the namek saga or after... goku by far would win in a battle with bardock for more than one reason... we have to remember that bardock is bad meaning he wouldn't try and help in fights like goku always does which the more battles sayians are in the stronger they get (and we all know that there are more bad in the world than good) so the constant battles against strong enimies makes goku by far stronger than bardock. theres my logical reason from the data iv collected :Dbardok may have been stronger than goku at the start but i think goku would win because he learnt the spirit bomb and kaioken goku achieved super saiyan as well so that would help in the prosess of beating bardok and with the help of senzu beans goku could get stronger costantly because when a saiyan is near death and recovers they get much stronger