Nicholas II ruled as a monarch with no limit to his powers. He did little to help his people, partially because he did not understand the poverty that was going on around him.
Nicholas Dunaew's birth name is Nicholas Alexander Dunay.
Alexander Ludwig's brother Nicholas is 21. His birthdate is July 14, 1995.
Ben Alexander has three children. His son Nicholas Benton Alexander IV, son Benton Webb Alexander and daughter Lesley Beth Alexander.
Nicholas Ofczarek is 184 cm.
Nicholas Hoult's birth name is Nicholas Caradoc Hoult.
Henry Alexander Nicholas Beaumont was born in 1966.
Nicholas Dunaew's birth name is Nicholas Alexander Dunay.
Nicholas Alexander has written: 'Relationship development in international retail franchising' 'SME's and the Internationalisation of Retailing'
Nicholas Leonard's birth name is Nicholas Alexander Gilbert Leonard.
Alexander Nicholas Phipps has written: 'The role of the peroxisome in ether phospholipid metabolism in the small intestine'
Nicholas Hopson Worster's birth name is Alexander Nicholas Hopson.
Nicholas I
Alexander Nicholas Pattakos has written: 'Prisoners of Our Thoughts' -- subject(s): Lending library, Berrett Koehler, business
Alexander S. Nicholas has written: 'Atlas of osteopathic techniques' -- subject(s): Osteopathic medicine, Atlases, Osteopathic Manipulation
Alexander Nicholas Scherer has written: 'Codex medicamentarius Europaeus' -- subject(s): Pharmacopoeias, Bibliography, Materia medica, Pharmacy