She had 12. She used them wisely though, and after hunting I think takes the arrows out and uses them again. She only kills two people using her arrows.
Katniss is telling the story in first person
The Hub is the name of the black market that Katniss trades at in The Hunger Games.
Katniss does (Katniss is Primrose's sister)
Katniss's stylist is named Cinna in The Hunger Games. Good book by the way.
the hunger games
katniss because i like shooting arrows
she doesnt
i dont know but its spelled Katniss
because its an easy place to be killed
Katniss thinks a lot in the Hunger Games. When?
not initially because she doesnt want her children to be put in the reaping and face the Hunger Games. However she does have them after the Hunger Games are DESTROYED! *spoiler alert*
Katniss tells why there is a hunger games on page 18.
Gale was not in the Hunger Games Katniss and Peeta where.
No, Katniss doesn't die in The Hunger Games series.
Katniss is telling the story in first person
Katniss is from Hunger Games
who are the characters of the hunger games