Answer: By killing Dumbledore his soul would be ripped apart (like when Voldemort makes horcruxes).
It is not the fact that Dumbledore would die, but the fact that Malfoy was about to commit a crime - namely murder - that endangered his soul.
Draco Malfoy could never produce a patronus because he didn’t have any happy memories.
JK Rowling has never completely confirmed that Draco actually was a Death Eater, as Harry never receives absolute evidence of Draco's Death Eater status in the books other than various hints of his having a Dark Mark. Draco is therefore never seen with a Death Eater mask in either the books or the films.
Draco (potters rival) , Lucius (Draco's dad the death eater), Narcissa (Draco's mother) or Scorpius (Draco's son in the epilogue)?
Voldemort, Crabbe, Goyle, Death Eaters, Peter Pettigrew, Dursleys. Some death eaters include-the Malfoys (but they end up not being totally evil at the end), Bellatrix and Rodophulus Lestrange, Avery, Yaxley, Dolohov, Fenrir Greyback, Barty Crouch Jr., Igor Karkaroff, The Carrows, Umbridge...and Harry hates Severus Snape, who appears to be an antagonists until the end, when it's proven that he's a good character.
The two most famous blond Death Eaters are Lucius Malfoy - who was one of the original Death Eaters, and probably his son Draco Malfoy, who became a Death Eater - probably under some duress. Whether Draco actually became a Death Eater in the 6th bood is somewhat ambigous since Harry thinks he saw the Dark Mark on his arm. In the movie it is definite since he showed his Dark Mark to Dumbledore. The actor who played the role of Lucius Malfoy is Jason Isaacs - who is actually a brunette and wore a blond wig for the role. The actor who played Draco is Tom Felton, who is also actually a brunette and bleached his hair for the role.
Bellatrix Lestrange (born Bellatrix Black)
Yes, Harry saved Draco Malfoy from the fiend fire in the Room of Requirement when Harry was in there destroying the final Horcrux. He also stunned a Death Eater that Draco was trying to convince that he was on the Death Eater's side, saving Malfoy.
Bellatrix LeStrange, Narcissa Malfoy and the other Malfoys that serve Voldemort (Draco Malfoy and Lucius Malfoy) are related to Sirius Black.
The Malfoys: Lucius, Draco, Narcissa. Fenrir Greyback. Bellatrix Lestrange. Alecto and Amycus Carrow (the Carrows). Antonin Dolohov.
Draco Malfoy's father's name in the Harry Potter series is Lucius Malfoy. He is a prominent Death Eater and a wealthy pure-blood wizard who is known for his loyalty to Lord Voldemort.
Draco Malfoy could never produce a patronus because he didn’t have any happy memories.
snape made a unbrackable vow to Draco malfoys mother and by doing so swore to do anything in his power to help Draco, Draco's mission was to lead the death eaters into hogwarts and Draco himself must kill dumboldore, he found he could not kill him so snape killed him for Draco. Actually, Snape had already promised Dumbledore that he would kill him, for Dumbledore was already dying, so instead of having Draco ( who has never killed anyone) have this sin on his hands, dumbledore had pre-decied that snape would be the one to kill him. Snape was dumbledores man through and through so there was no way that if dumbledore had not had asked snape to kill him, snape would never have gone through with the unbreakable vow. Dumbledore was always steps ahead of everyone and know that his death was coming, so he choose the time and manner of his death.
F. Draco has written: 'Cruise with death'
JK Rowling has never completely confirmed that Draco actually was a Death Eater, as Harry never receives absolute evidence of Draco's Death Eater status in the books other than various hints of his having a Dark Mark. Draco is therefore never seen with a Death Eater mask in either the books or the films.
Draco (potters rival) , Lucius (Draco's dad the death eater), Narcissa (Draco's mother) or Scorpius (Draco's son in the epilogue)?
well in the last book(deathly hollows) he dies but is brought back by the stone of ressurection that dumbledore left him and he didnt die again because when he disarmed malfoys wand he became the elders wand holder and it didnt allow harry to die when voldemort death cursed him and he used the elders power to allso heal his old wand then he gave the powers back to dumbledores grave