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I loved the books, and i don't have anything to say bad about them but the movie was horrid!

My list of negatives of the movie Twilight:

1. Kristen Stewert, she always looks mad and like she could beat the crap out of someone. Bella is suppost to be shy and innocent. okay but more than that i hate the way she talks, always so... monotone. boring. GRRR.

2. Edward sparkles. stupid. they even made the twinkle sound, lame.

3.Bella and Edward fall in love wayy to quickly, okay i guess they don't have alot of time in the movie but still, the meet oneday they are inseprable the next.

uhm, i think that's it for now ;p but i must say great choice of actors, vamps + Jacob = sexy beasts ;p

hope that helped youu (;

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14y ago

to whoever said...Trust me, it's bad...just DON'T ever read it. it's very bad.... good 4 u, i hate it 2

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