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Chemistry is applied in making most of the instruments that are used in music. Moreover, for people to enjoy a given type of music there must be harmony. Chemistry helps perform that.

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14y ago

music is related to science because the science waves are all scientific

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Is music related to science?

The vibrations of many musical sounds have a lot to do with Physics... a music theory class will tell you alot about that type of stuff.

How is music related to science?

by when you don't fhs u read dhz

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Well...Music is kind of science. Because it was science that created music. And that makes music common with science! (Also radios and TVs!)

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Science is related to science. In-fact biology is science.

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yes XD (that is a funny face lol) you use science 2 make music but u have 2 use math 2 figure out how 2 do it right XD HAVE FUN!!!

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There's music cognition, which is a branch of science that has to do with music.

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science is related to you because you breath and air is a type of science. science is related to you because of your blood and water because liquid is a type of science and blood(liquid) is a type of science.

How is science related to?

science is related to you because you breath and air is a type of science. science is related to you because of your blood and water because liquid is a type of science and blood(liquid) is a type of science.

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Easy If you have a business which is science then its obviously related

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It is an animal therefore it is related to science!(: