Judy's Granddaughter Hollis, born October 8th, 1987, lives and works in New York City. The two are very close and see eachother as often as Judy's extremely busy tour schedule will allow.
Alton Hollis and Patrick Hollis are brothers .
Hollis Woods got her name because she was abandoned in the woods n someone sent a letter telling them to name her Hollis..... That's how she got the name Hollis Woods
Hollis McLaren was born in Toronto, in Canada.
Hollis Woods since she is the main character
Hollis McConnell Jones is 5' 9".
Judy Collins was born on May 1, 1939.
The Judy Collins Concert was created on 1964-03-21.
Yes, Judy Collins has two brothers named David and Bud.
Wildflowers - Judy Collins album - was created in 1967-10.
Home Again - Judy Collins album - was created in 1984.
Times of Our Lives - Judy Collins album - was created in 1982.
The cast of Judy Collins Live at the Metropolitan Museum in New York - 2012 includes: Judy Collins as herself
They didn't. Judy Collins got a divorce from her first husband, Peter Taylor.
So Early in the Spring - Judy Collins album - was created in 1977.
Judy Lovell was born in 1947, in London, England, UK.
Who Knows Where the Time Goes - Judy Collins album - was created in 1968-11.