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Hi! I'm Chloe and here are some fab tips to be like Sharpay.

1. Take dancing and singing lessons like Sharpay.

2. If you want to stand out in the crowd like Sharpay wear bright colours and sparkly stuff, espiecally pink!

3. Choose one of your favourite Sharpay songs, record yourself as Sharpay! Don't forget to dress like her!

4. Go for different styles. Glam, sophiscated, whatever!

5. Practice so hard to beat out other people!

6. Have your favourite Sharpay song as your ringtone.

7. Watch Sharpay dancing and try to copy her.

8. Practice your vocal exercises like Sharpay does with Ryan, like "brrr, brr, brrr, ma!" You can practice your vocal exercises to calm down before you go on stage.

9. Don't be scared of competition and try your best!

10. Dress in different sparkly colours! Sparkly pink, blue and silver go so well together!

11. Wear good colours to stand out on stage!

12. Always wear pink lip gloss!

13. Always had extra sparkle, like sparkly eyeshadow or mascara!

14. If you haven't got blonde hair you can always buy a wig!

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13y ago
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13y ago

you have to be all that, brag about everything you have, make your friends annoyed with you, love pink, have a pink house, and love videos

But there is a little bit more!!!

Mostly always be chewy gum!!!!

Have at least one sidekick.

Be kind of bossy in a sweet way though!

walk the walk

have a handbag all times

sleep with a mask on

be nice to ur parnets

say mummy and daddy

have ur hair different

sleep with AA cuddle toy

have beauty sleep

get whatever u want

say toodle instead of see u later

thank you for reading toodles

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15y ago

always were make up look stunning don't copy what other people wear have only one accessorie in your hair at a time. If u have some on in your family that can make clothes brilliant ask them to make a dress , top,trousers or scirt first get a pice of paper and draw your iders down then coulor them in the coulor u want then give them your iders and then ask them if the could make the outfit for u one more tip make sure the outfit is now made out of wool

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13y ago

Hey I'm Lauren. So you act like Sharpay Evans? We'll here's my idea. Just try to follow these simple easy to follow rule's almost forgot if you want more information just ask me on my email!There you can ask me anything on her. 1.Always try to look your best!you can always look good in anything! 2.Scream often enough to be recognized!3.have saying like Miley Stuart aka Hannah Montana's Ya think,Sweet niblets, or Sharpay's Fabulos!4.Have the latest stuff like cool phones or ipods.5.Sleep at least for 8 hours you need beauty sleep.6.Sleep with stuffed animals .I do there so cute and comfortable.7.Be a drama queen like if someone barley hits you scream!8.Have absolutely no pimples,zits,blackheads.9.Brag about yourself always be the center of attention.10. Have awsome parties11.Have Fabulous from High School Musical 2 as your ringtone!12.Have your room in pink!13.Have a pink car with your in

itals on it.14.sleep with a face mask on!15.Have a handbag with you at all time's.16.Go in disguse with wig sunglasses and more!17.Try getting a nice golden tan.No tanning bed that is fake.18.Have backup to make you look good!19. On your door hav so and so only allowed in.20.Be nice to your parents.21,never do chores say''i'm to busy!". Well there is a great source on how to be like Sharpay also take dance,singing,acting classes.Do your best in school!Also try to add your own flair!If some of these you don't like then don't use them!WARNING:if someone says you are a wannabe or a poser tell them that you are being your own person!If you wear glasess try to get contacts!Thanks!

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15y ago

here are the top tips to be like Sharpay!

1. Wear sparkly and glittery stuff.

2. Always do your hair up nicely- Sharpay sometimes goes for wavy curls, or a side ponytail and she ties it with a fabulous scarf!

3. Always had extra things for bling like a glitter hairclip or some pink sunglasses.

4. Do NOT wear the same thing everyday- that is boring!

5. Practice to dance and sing like Sharpay- watch videos and try to copy her!

6. Don't be scared of the stage! Get your earned applause and enjoy being in the spotlight!

7. Make sure you wear the right shoes for a fabulous outfit! What about for a skirt glittery flip flops, or for a dress, eye-catching heels, or for bling jeans, gold or silver pumps? Find your thing!

8. Record yourself being Sharpay and sing and dance like her! Sing one of your fave Sharpay songs! Don't forget- your voice needs to be like her and dress up like her! If you don't have the same clothes she has, why not pick some clothes that Sharpay would love to wear?

9. Go different for hair- straight or curly- Sharpay does that!

10. Doesn't matter if you don't have blonde hair like her- you just want to be like her!

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13y ago

I totally act like Sharpay all the time!

Here are some ways you can act like her~

1. ALWAYS be fashionable everywhere you are

2.Have your phone with you everywhere you go

3. Wear lots of fashionable jewlrey (such as necklaces, earrings, and bracelets)

4. Always have at least 1 person beside you at all times

5. Make people move out of your way in school hallways

6. Have a different kind of hairstyle everyday

7. Brag about yourself

8. Try to get attention wherever you are

9.Take singing and acting lessons

10. Make that 1 person that's beside you at all times do whatever you ask them to do

11. Be bossy and make other people jealous of you

12. Whatever you do, make it perfect

13. Wear makeup and lipgloss (lots of lipgoss)

14. Say "Tootles!" instead of "See You Later"

15. Paint your locker pink

16. Don't let anyone else be in the spotlight but you

17.Don't let anyone use your stuff

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8y ago

Dress all preppy.

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Q: How Do You Act Like Sharpay Evans from HSM?
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Sharpay as in HSM? Sharpay, and her brother-Ryan's-last name was Evans. ~Maleeka Jones

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Yes, Ashley Tisdale played Sharpay Evans in the High School Musical series.

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Sharpay Evans spends High School Musical 3 much like she did the first two films, manipulating and conniving her way to the stage. At the end of HSM3 she gets a taste of her own medicine and is seen being kind at graduation.

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Vanessa Hudgens - Gabriella Montez Zac Efron - Troy Bolton Ashley Tisdale - Sharpay evans

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Yes she is going to be Sharpay in High School Musical 3! Yes she is going to be Sharpay in High School Musical 3!of course she is!!! as she was in hsm 2 & 1!!! Miss Sharpay Evans!!! her brother being Ryan evans, they both dominate the drama department at east high in Albuquerque, New Mexico!! hehe! how could you NOT know she was??? jeez learn up on ur hsm!!! lol jk~raychel~

Does Zac Efron like sharpay evens?

Are you referring to reality or the movie? In HSM, Troy is not interested in Sharpay. In reality, Ashley and Zac's personal life is not publisized.