Jennifer Hudson has one child, a boy, named David Daniel Otunga Jr.
Jennifer Garner has 3 children
Jennifer Connelly has 3 children
Jennifer Aniston, Jennifer Lopez , Jennifer Hudson, Jennifer Garner, Jenny McCarthy
Yes, Jennifer Hudson has 1 kids
Jennifer Love Hewitt Has 1 child.
Jennifer Hudson has 1 child
Jennifer Hudson was born on September 12, 1981
In some cases parents would name their children with a different last name and still neither of them would have that certain surname. This is probably Jennifer Hudson's case.
No, Jennifer Hudson is not dead.
Jennifer Hudson is from Chicago, Illinois.
Jennifer Hudson is 5'9".
Jennifer Hudson .
Jennifer Hudson is a size 12
No. Jennifer Hudson is still alive.
Jennifer Hudson.
no. coco jones couldnt be jennifer hudson because jennifer hudson is older then coco jones
Jennifer Hudson was born on September 12, 1981