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Tripel h's theme is called the game! x

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Q: Hhh theme song
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Will hhh have a new theme song when he comes back?

If Bow Down To The King by Motorhead has been unused by HHH, then yes he will have a new theme song.

Whats hhh theme song called?

the game

Who sings HHH's theme music?

Triple H's theme song is sung by the band Motorhead.

Who sang HHH's theme song in 1999?

Triple H's theme song in 1999 is called "My Time." It was written and performed by Chris Warren and his self titled band, The Chris Warren Band.

Who is triple hs theme song by?

His theme song is called "The Game" by Motorhead. I know this is a good song and anyone saids it isn`t good than what is wrong with you. you don't like the king of kings triple HHH. Triple HHH is a good wrestler cause the WWE fans like him so much. That was my sentence cause I won't go forever with this statement OK. No way I am not go on.

What is ironic about the song of thrush in the darkling thrush?


What was the theme of hhh during WrestleMania 27?

"For Whom The Bell Tolls" by Metallica. It is off of the album "Ride The Lightning."

“”””””hhh”” “hhh hhh?

h h h

Where can you download hhh's theme song the game?

from i tunes for 0.99 cent using credit card or a i tunes card but you need to start a i tunes account and you need either a mac account or a AOL account but you also need a mac or windows computer. () () (*_*) (_)(_) This is Bunny. lol.

hhh as much as i want ... until i say stop hhh?

HHH Okay?

hhh www hhh?


hhh hhhh hhhh?

Sorry, I don't understand your question.