That is a statement, not a question. It means if you never try you will never succeed. If you try, there is a good chance you will never succeed as well.
teo is the beau site hotel cook he climbed the citadel with rudi's father he fell 30 feet and injured his leg so he became a farmer but gis wife died and it was lonley with out her so he became a cook at the beau site hotel
Justin Bieber was singing never say never at his concert. He fell off of the stage and broke his foot. :( Although, he kept on singing never say never with a broken foot!!
They climbed it..slowly...
Prince had a successful singing and stage career before and after his appearances on Andy Griffith. He fell out of sight in the 1970s. Unfortunately, he never recorded.
This song is about a Girl who fell in love with a salior he never came back from sea and now she is a mermiad and she sees all of this sailors as the man she fell in love and is tacking them in the water with her but they cant live down thier like her and over time many more saliors die macking more mermaids.
When she fell from the table o from Somthing she had climbed on
Queen Elizabeth never climbed Mount Everest.
about 50,000 people have climbed Mount Everest I made it to the fourth camp and i became sick and i fell into coma so i had to return to base camp.
Yes, he was born in London in 1881. He never climbed Everest though.
Zebulon Pike tried to climb El Capitan but failed in his effort, He predicted that it would never be climbed.
Boating was first discovered when some cavemen climbing a tree fell into the water as the tree fell. He climbed onto the tree and used it to cross the ocean. 900,000 yrs ago
No, Hitler never climbed Mount Everest.
Russia never fell. The Soviet Union fell.
ian schloss, not a girl, but still the coolest dude of all time- but never actually climbed mt. everest.
she never fell in love with anyone.
No, never.