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Nope, not once, and most likely will not happen, as it is based on judges, not on audience reviews

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Q: Have a Oscar ever been awarded and then taken back?
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The Lives of Others (from Germany) For a full list of Oscar nominees and winners visit

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A motion for custody of a child in need of care, but the state will oppose it.

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No, once a gift has been given, it cannot typically be taken back.

Can a gift be taken back once it has been given?

No, a gift cannot typically be taken back once it has been given, as it is considered a voluntary transfer of ownership without the expectation of anything in return.

Has not been awarded to me is this a right sentense?

No, it is not a complete thought so it is not a sentence. You need a subject - what has not been awarded to you?

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10 people have been awarded

Which one i or me be inserted in the sentencePrizes have been awarded to Pavana and SOMETHING?

The correct sentence would read "Prizes have been awarded to Pavana and me."Where you would use "I" is if the sentence were "Pavana and I have been awarded prizes."

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