yes, according to what i read on the net, The Riches have been cancelled.
The show has been officially cancelled and will not air anymore. Talks of characters may show up in other venues.
Nope, it has been cancelled. Check the link for the article.
I sure hope so, The show sucked.
"Although the show's ratings for its pilot were only seconded that evening by the premiere of The Shield, rankings for this show dropped dramatically by the middle of season two. Also, because of the writer's guild strike, only 7 of the planned 13 episodes of season two were ever aired. It was hoped that the final six episodes would eventually be revealed but that never happened, leaving the storyline unfinished.Although the second season did not warrant a renewal of the show, FX was still hesitant to cancel the series because The Riches was a hit with critics and Driver received Emmy and Golden Globe nominations."I found this info about Carnivale and many other shows that have been cancelled from:http://www.cannedtv.comThey have lots of news and info on cancelled television series.
Yes, Ax men was cancelled.
They won,t the Riches were cancelled last year after two seasons. Google the show for details.
Yes the show has been cancelled. They will not be returning for a third season.
the show has been cancelled.
Yes, the show has not been cancelled. Until the show is cancelled, you will always have a chance to be a contestant on the show.
The show was cancelled by F/X.New mom Minnie Driver's TV turn as a gypsy con artist is over - The Riches has been cancelled. Driver played wife to Eddie Izzard on two seasons of the acclaimed drama. A network spokesperson at FX has confirmed to Entertainment Weeklythe show willnot be returning for a third season. Flagging ratings are behind the decision. Driver earned Emmy and Golden Globe nominations for her portrayal of Dahlia Malloy on the show.
no no
Hostages has not been renewed by CBS at this current time, but it has not been cancelled either.
the show has been cancelled
The TV show The Doctors has not been cancelled as of May 2014. The show still airs on CBS during the morning and afternoon hours.
The show has been officially cancelled and will not air anymore. Talks of characters may show up in other venues.